Sunday, March 15, 2015

Class 5 Assignment 1: Revising my Immersive Tech Reports in Google Docs

Transferring report from blogger to a new Google Doc.

correcting some spelling errors in my original report

reformatting a little bit to make it more fluid

adding in a little more detail about what exactly I will be discussing
transferring my 3D printing report from blogger to a Google Doc

reformatting the report in the Google Doc

adding in the info about the article about the design student developing a Lego Glue Gun to make 3D models.

Writing about the group who is creating firearms using a 3D printer.

adding in a little more information about in my introduction.

adding in another summit link

describing the benefits and features of game based learning

found a new story about how UNICEF is using game based learning in Afghanistan

referencing last years iED Summit
Transferring my report from my blogger account into a new Google Doc

Starting to add new info such as prices and new feature updates

Including the fact that Oculus Rift will have specific games tailored to it.

Surprised to see that my hyperlinks still worked after I copied and pasted the report from Blogger.

Adding that the format of Immersion 2015 will be modeled after last year's successful new method.

Had to remove the video per the assignment instructions.
Including the Microsoft Hololens VR system into my report.

Google Cardboard actually teaches people how to make a free Virtual Reality System.
transferring my educational technology report into a google doc

Correcting a hyper link in my educational technology report.

including how a Indian engineer is planning to have a more structured technological education.

adding in how Obama has secured $750 million in pledges to get technology into classrooms

adding into my introduction the importance of  technology in education.

I did quite a few revisions to my reports. I found a lot of new articles relating to my reports. In my Virtual Reality report I added in a paragraph about new VR system. In  my Game Based Learning report I included some information about how UNICEF is using game based learning to help teach children in a remote village. My 3D printing report conatins a lot of new stuff as well. The biggest probably being that firearms are now being made using a 3D printer.I also added in my educational technology report how important technology is needed in today’s classrooms. President Obama himself has secured a ton of money to help bring technology into classrooms.
This is an assignment from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Collaborative Computing. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

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