Thursday, October 30, 2014


created my own world on the meshmoon website and now I am using the building tools to create my rocket.

using the building tools to create some shapes.

using the entity editor to change the shapes and scale the parts of my rocketship

using the entity editor again to angle the cone so it more likely resembles a tail fin.

the best I have so far lol
a couple of last minute adjustments to make it a little more nicer looking.

It was very difficult creating this rocket ship. It took me a long time just to figure out how to begin. Thanks to the help of a few classmates though I started to get the hang of it. It is very tedious work though.

Class 9 Team Rankings

team rankings


Class 8, FINAL PREPARATION: Learning the basics of JavaScript

Continuing tutorials at Khan Academy . I really enjoy how smooth and easy Khan makes it to write code. I enjoyed doing the tutorials.

Class 8, Scratch Animated Greeting Card

starting my greeting card by changing the background

adding a few sprites to the mix and adding some scripts 
adding another sprite

making it a little more festive. changing the colors of some of the presents I put in.

finishing up by adding more sprites and finishing the scripts on all of my sprites

Link to my scratch assignment -

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Class 8: Getting Started with Vector and Bitmap Graphics in Scratch

watching video tutorials on

watching video tutorial at

watching more tutorials

reading up on vector and bitmap graphics at

starting my bitmap graphic

editing my bitmap graphic

adding script to my bitmap graphic
creating my vector graphic

adding another sprite and adding script to make the dog chase the cat

resizing my vector graphic

My vector graphic :

My bitmap graphic :

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Class 7, WebGL: Progressing with PlayCanvas.

basic keyboard input tutorial
adding some code in the designer area

basic mouse input tutorial

coding basic mouse tutorial

basic camera tutorial

It was challenging yet cool to continue learning how to code. The tutorials simplistically showed me how and what to change and edit to achieve the goal. It was tough at first and I found myself going back and forth trying to figure out what to do.

Class 7, FINAL PREPARATION: Choosing a JavaScript programming track

reading about javascript on java's website

reading about javascript on quirksmode website

starting to learn coding on khanacademy

continuing my learning on khan academy

scoring some points for my awesome coding

coding tutorial on code academy

continuing tutorials on code academy

more tutorials on code academy

more on code academy

getting a little more complicated on code academy
Between KhanAcademy and CodeAcademy I would have to choose KhanAcademy as the victor. It had very detailed step by step instructions. A cool feature of KhanAcademy was thought whenever you typed in code the image of what you were coding would immediately show up on the right. It was nice because it was instantaneous. CodeAcademy was good and it had a smooth interface but I just preferred how much more helpful Khan Academy was.